RMF is open to the world \m/ … tell it to all your non-rotarian friends!!!

“There are all sorts of awful things going on in the world you look at the moment. Newspapers, you see it on the TV. All this bullshit, people going around killing people, murdering people in the name of religion or whatever the fucking is. I don’t give a shit, quite frankly. Because the one thing …

2nd Rotarian Meeting at W:O:A 2019

This is becoming a tradition … our annual meeting of members and friends of the Rotarian family during the W:O:A.!!! \m/ This year, we even topped our last year’s number of participants. More than 35 crazy and hard-rocking Rotarian metal afficionados attended our meeting in the local metal tavern “Zum Wackinger” in the heavy-metal world …

Officially recognized by RI

Yes, it´s true! And we´re super excited!!! 🙂 \m/ *heart-pounding air guitar solo* \m/ We´re officially recognized as a Rotary Fellowship by the Rotary International Board. Above, you can see an excerpt of the email our founder Felix had received which delivered the good news. Soon, we will give you some more updates on RMFs …